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"Only those who have risked everything can know how far one can go." TS Elliot

Friday, February 6, 2009

Our Heart...His Home

"When your joined with me and I with you, the relation Intimate and organic…"
John 15:5 (The Message)

If you are anything like me, you have a hard time believing that your heart can be FATHER's home. Maybe we've heard that our "heart is deceitful" just one too many times. Maybe we look at the current condition of our heart and think, "There's no way that could look anything like Him." Who knows, it may be any of these or a whole multitude of other reasons that have crept in and caused us to believe the lie instead of the Truth. The Truth is our heart is His home. God steps out of Heaven and steps into our hearts. Our hearts were meant to be joined with His. Ever since He formed Adam and God breathed Life into our lungs mankind has soared in connection with Him or fallen because of our disconnection.

Our lives were meant for intimacy with Him and made to be a reflection of His image. That means our heart as well. God's choice to make His home in our hearts changes everything. Our sacred heart is His Home. That's why safeguarding it is so vitally important. We will thrive when we're connected in an intimate, organic way and struggle when we keep our relation with Him mechanical and "automatic".

So, what is He saying to you about your heart? What's He saying about His home? Have you tended His home well, or is a ramshackled place. Only FATHER can shape a heart and make it suitable for Himself, but its here He gives us a part to play. Make time this week and month to do a bit of housekeeping so that your heart can truly be His home.

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