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"Only those who have risked everything can know how far one can go." TS Elliot

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Answer Is In Your Hand

"He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each give as he purposes in his heart." 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 NKJV

I don't know many folks who don't worry. Of the folks I know who worry, I don't know any who don't worry about money. Isn't it interesting that one of the things we choose to worry about just happens to be one of the things that Jesus chose to speak about when talking about things in the Kingdom. He talks about the "Lost Coin", "The Wise Servant" who knows the value of investment, he talks about treasures in Heaven versus treasures laid up here on Earth, and so on. But the most interesting thing Jesus (The Word who is One with God) says comes long before He walks on Earth. In Ecclesiates 11, Solomon is passing on wisdom and he talks about the farmer who stands with seed in hand waiting for the weather to be just right before he sows it. The lesson He speaks to me through that: "I'll take care of the weather, you take care of the seed!" If we invest in Kingdom ministry according how good or bad the clouds may appear, we will never cast the seed. Anxiety will push us to grip and grasp what's in our hand; but Faith, Trust and Risk will push us to let it go and grow.

Times are hard for many right now, and know that God is not oblivious to that. But even when the clouds roll in and swirl all around us, God still holds it all in the palm of His hand. He holds the weather in hand, while we hold the seed in ours. The question is what will we do with it.

Mark & Jenny Johnson

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