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"Only those who have risked everything can know how far one can go." TS Elliot

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A Humble King

"He gave up his place with God & made himself nothing. He was born as a man & became like a servant. When He was living as a man, he humbled himself & was fully obedient to God, even when that caused his death-death on a cross. So God raised him to the highest place. God made his name greater than every other name." Philippians 2:7-9

Of all of the attributes of God that I cherish the most, one of my favorites has to be His humility. No doubt we can praise God for His all-knowing & ever-present nature with us, or His creative ability & His absolute sovereignty. But to praise Him for His humility is to see Him as the King Above All. Jesus had no reason to cling to the status that His Divine Nature carried with it, but He had every reason to give it up. Through His coming to us as a dependent human child, He bridged the gap that only He could fill. He came as King while also coming as a servant. That is no task that can be accomplished by a mere mortal. By putting Himself in our world & under its laws of physics & flesh, He shows that He stands above everything else. Undaunted by the pressures & restrictions of a flesh &blood existence, He pressed through to do what only He could do. And by His dying in our place, we are raised to stand with Him in His place. Let this holiday season be a time of celebration of all that Christ makes possible to us & for us. Celebrate Him as Divine King & as Divine Servant. As He served those who could not help themselves, we learn to follow His example & do the same. Meet a neighbor you've been ignoring, serve a meal to the homeless, give of your time & Self; all the while knowing that He did the same.

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