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"Only those who have risked everything can know how far one can go." TS Elliot

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Ultimate Weapon

"We are born into a world at war" CS Lewis reminds us. A lot has been said about Spiritual Warfare and who the real Enemies are and where the real battlefields lie. But if we are not careful we will get so caught up in the combat and forget that Connection is Father's ultimate weapon in our fight against our Poser Flesh, the World System and Satan. Belts of Truth, Shields of Faith, Helmets of Salvation, even Swords of Truth aren't greater than our intended connectedness that God designed us to live in. The great and powerful weapon of Intimacy with Father is what ultimately vanishes the hold of all our Enemies' influence on our lives. The Poser Flesh that emerges from our False Heart of woundedness has no secure standing in a Life that has found its real place of meaning in connection with Father. All of the temptations the World's
System sets before us find no hold of satisfaction in a Life satisfied with a Father's great Love. And our defeated foe, Satan, the great serpent of old, cannot connive us with His deception when our hearts are connected with the Truth of who we are and whose we are in Christ Jesus. The great weapon of Intimacy trumps all other attempts to draw us away from our real source of Life.

But the question still remains: "Will we continue in a connected state or will we set out on our own to find our own meager means of making a Life on our own. Will we humble the Self we call ours in sweet surrender to Father's heart for us? Will we engage or will we disengage for the Life we were made for?

All of our Life depends upon how we answer these questions.

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